Logistics Coordinator. Ukraine

Fecha: 10/04/2022

Lugar: Ucrania

Puesto: Logistics Coordinator. Ukraine

Convoca: Médicos del Mundo

Método de contacto:


Logistics Coordinator will be in charge of the overall logistic support provided to the mission (both in Government and Non-Government Controlled Areas). In particular, the LogCo will monitor logistics implementation of projects in compliance with the defined strategy and donors’ regulations. The LogCo will be responsible of the implementation and follow-up of logistics procedures; will assure technical supervision to the logistics team for logistics, procurement and security; will provide technical support to security management of the mission, under the responsibility of the General coordinator.


The successful candidate will be based in Chernivtsi, with frequent visits to Romanian Logistic HUB, and if security conditions allow it, areas defined as MDM operational bases in the Emergency Response plan.


The successful candidate will be part of the Coordination team (2 Field Coordinators, Medical Coordinator, MHPSS Coordinator, Administrative Coordinator, Program coordinator) and will report to the General Coordinator in Ukraine, as well, he/she will have direct technical link with Logistic and Security Referent in HQ.


Logistics coordination

Contribute to the definition of the Logistics component of the Mission´s strategy and develop, update and disseminate the Mission´s Logistics Strategy.

Define the country’s logistics team configuration, ensuring the correct allocation of human resources within the Mission.

Work with the Coordination team to define mission objectives, strategies, procurement needs and budgets and ensure their day-to-day monitoring and management

Define/adapt, implement and follow-up the logistical and procurement activities required to achieve general objectives, in close collaboration with the General Coordinator.

Defines and implements logistic process and tools and ensures that everyone is trained and respecting these processes

Program activities

Performs the role of technical adviser and take final responsibility for all logistical tasks of the mission

Responsible for the appropriate selection (in collaboration with the Logistics Referent in the HQ), installation, use and maintenance of equipment across the following technical disciplines: Information Technology, Communications, Mechanics, Energy & Electricity, Cold Chain etc.

Supports and assists field’s technical choices for the various logistical areas (procurement, construction, safety, etc.)

Guarantees the availability, implementation and management of all the technical and logistical resources required to carry out the operations of the mission,

Harmonizes logistics tools and procedures for the mission

Takes part in assessments as per requirement

Develops and maintains good network of contacts to facilitate emergency response (customs, suppliers, other NGOs, etc.) and provides logistics support to operations.

Ensures the filling, follow-up and archiving of the procurement / logistics documents; contributes to capitalization at the mission level (park state, purchase follow-up, donation follow-up…)

Ensures timely and transparent sharing of information with the log, program and admin team, the coordination team in order to ensure good understanding of the logistics activities and logistics priorities

Responsible for the communication related to procurement / logistic issues with the Logistic referent in the HQ.

Responsible for monthly reporting: monthly logistics report, Situation Report, ongoing contracts, procurement files, inventories.


Contribute to analyse the Mission´s operational context.

Develop and propose the Acceptance and Negotiation plan for the mission

Provides technical advice and drafts mission security guidelines and the contingency plan

Implements the general security policy in collaboration with the General Coordinator and Field Coordinators

Update and ensure the existence of a functioning and updated security management documentations included in the Security Plan, including:

Supervise context analysis (internal & external), including incident maps, stakeholder analysis, review of existing security management arrangements, risk analysis.

Develop scenario planning, including recommendations on appropriate interventions (programme objectives, scope, outputs, based on judgements about access and security risk), capacity needs for scenarios (training, resources, infrastructure) and evacuation.

Ensure adapted Standard Operational Procedures required for the Emergency Response evolution, such as Cross-Boarding, Shelter, Access and negotiation and communication procedures.

Ensure Security assessment of Supply Chain operations from logistic Hubs to final destinations.

Supervise the Follow-up on delocalized staff and ensure security recommendations and assessments are shared with them prior to new delocalization’s decisions done by individuals.

Monitor the security situation in all programme areas in Ukraine, in liaison with key internal and external sources; conduct/monitor daily security checks and provide analysis as necessary; make recommendations for appropriate action by coordination team.

Ensure Security assessment of MDM facilities in new areas of operation (office, warehouse, logistic hubs)

Ensures that all necessary measures are taken in order to avoid theft, destruction or other type of damage of MDM material and property.

Provides technical supervision to Logistics officers of each base on technical aspects of security management

Guarantees the security of transport (passengers and goods),

Ensures, with Fieldcos and the GenCo, the feasibility of evacuation plans (resources, assessment of the context, etc.)

Organizes security trainings, briefings and assures that MdM mission’s staff and visitors know and implement missions’ security guidelines

Ensures that storage, packing and management of stocks are done according to MdM regulations

Provides logistical support to medical department to ensure adequate storing, packing and pharmacy management.

Ensures there is a close monitoring and regular physical counting of the stocks in the mission.


Ensures that communication means in the mission have the required level and quality.

Ensures a permanent access to communication between HQ and the mission and between all bases.

Ensures that all numbers and frequencies are updated and available to all staff in the mission.

Vehicles and Engines

Ensures that the fleet of vehicles meets the needs of the mission and complies with MDM standards.

Ensures the quality and efficiency of the service required for all vehicles and engines, according to MDM guidelines.

Ensures the safety and the organisation of all MDM staff and materials transportation.


Ensures the safety, proper use, proper storage and maintenance of MDM material.

Ensure that inventories of all material and equipment used exist and are updated.

Team Management and capacity building

Technical follow up of the logistics staff; continuous training and coaching of the log team.

Participates in selection and follow up of the logistics related staff.

Contributes to the proper induction of new staff, ensuring that logistics briefings are done with relevant staff.

Identifies people showing potential within the logistic staff.

Ensures a proper handover of all the logistics responsibilities to the national staff.

Evaluate the performance of every team member and contribute to the development their relevant skills.



Academic: University degree or diploma.

A Master in International Cooperation / Logistics and/or Humanitarian Aid is desirable.


Languages: Fluent spoken and written English. Knowledge of Russian and/or Ukrainian is a strong asset.

Office pack user level.


The successful candidate must have at least 3 years’ field experience in emergency situations. At least 3 years’ experience in positions with similar responsibility and working on planning, design, management and monitoring of programmes from NGDO in fragile scenarios to complex emergencies.

Experience in project planning, implementation and evaluation is desirable. Team coordination experience.

Experience in security policies implementation in conflict zones.


High organizational capacity and for adaptation to emergency and post-emergency situations.

Proven capacity for team leadership and management.

Team work and networking capacity.

Thoroughness and self-sufficiency at work.

Strict compliance with the safety protocols established for the country and MdM mission

Identification with the lines of work, values and mission of Médicos del Mundo.


To join immediately.


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